I was overwhelmed by the reponse to my giveaway and as a thankyou to you all I have added
four more prizes! When I start reading the comment's in a giveaway I do feel very guilty that I have
not enough gift's for everybody but eventually I did put all the names into a hat and picked out the winner's and here they are!
First prize goes to NIMA - Made to Treasure Blog here
Second prize of the ''Pink pillow with rose pins and coffeepot'' goes to Glady's - Gladys Creativa Blog here
Third prize of the ''Tea pinkeep'' goes to Terri - Threads through time blog here
Fourth prize of ''A little tea if you please pillow'' goes to Tatting Chic - Tatting Chic blog here
Fifth prize of ''6 Rose pins'' OR three rose pins AND a coffee pot''
goes to Lynda - A cosy little place for stitching blog here
Sixth prize of ''3 rose pins or a coffee pot'' goes to Yana - Lovekrestik blog here
Seventh prize of ''3 roses or a coffee pot'' goes to Daffycat blog here
Congratulations to all the winner's. I will post the gifts no later than the end of September, you may get them sooner but I like to give a late deadline to give me plenty of time, I have also not made all of the rose pins yet or the extra coffee pots.
I would also like to put in a disclaimer at this point, I will post all items but if anything gets lost in the post I am afraid I will not be able to make any of the items again - sorry but you know it can happen and I just wanted to cover myself on that point.
Stitching news
I have been asked on a number of occasions how I finish various items, so I decided to put my own finishing instructions together for a pinkeep. My next post will show pinkeep finishing instructions for the Tea pinkeep below, there are easy to follow photograph's with tips on how I finish my work.
I entered the village show today with my cross stitch gifts, I won first prize and a trophy for Best in Crafts, yay! My Mother won first prize for her card making skills and second prize for a cottage cross stitch.

I cannot remember where I got the free pattern from for this pinkeep,
if anyone can help please let me know!
Fourth prize - A little tea if you please.
Pattern by The Sampler Girl
Here are a selection of the fimo roses that are offered as the 5th, 6th and 7th prize although the roses may not be exactly the same colour as those in the picture.
Fimo clay rose instructions can be found on You Tube, just type in polymer clay or fimo clay roses and
you will get detailed instructions on how to make them.
I can't wait to get started on decorating these beauties, I have never seen boxes
as nice as this, does anyone know where to get them in England? I have bought small
boxes but I have never seen the larger one's.
All these gorgeous fabrics, they were much cheaper than England!
I finally got a tatting shuttle - yippee! Goodness knows when I am going to get around to
tatting but it is on my list of things to do.
Don't you just love the yummy colours of the ribbons-mmmmmm!
I saw these paints that are perfect for my painting on fimo clay, the oils are to use in my parchment craft, although it is a while since I have created cards in parchment I always like to have things in stock just in case I feel a card making day coming on!
This is the lovely gift I received from Wendy.
Last year I completed a lovely butterfly embroidery which I showed to a friend and she loved the design, whilst in America I saw the kit and just had to buy it for her, I told her I had got something very special in cross stitch but did not tell her what it was, nor did I tell her she was the recipient, so now you know Diane, if you read this post this is the special gift for you!
Thankyou for your visits and wonderful comments!