Hi everyone, Freebie Friday cross stitch pattern one day late!
Click on the image of the pattern below and screenshot on ipad or save to your computer. If you would like a pdf copy of the pattern you can contact me in the contact form on my blog but you need to leave me your email address in the message or I will not be able to reply.Freebie Friday - Little Christmas House Cross Stitch Pattern
Freebie Friday - Little Christmas Tree Cross Stitch and Blackwork pattern
Hi everyone, here is a quick design for you to stitch as a last minute ornament for your tree or a gift for a friend.
The pattern has cross stitches and blackwork stitches, easy to complete, just see the pattern below.
Click on the image to save to your computer or screenshot the image on ipad. If you prefer a pdf contact me via the contact form on my blog, I will be happy to send the pdf if you include your email address.
Until next time, happy stitching!December House Cross Stitch Pattern and my stitching for a cross stitch exchange.
Hi everyone, here is the December House Cross Stitch pattern that is one of the posts I lost when I moved back to blogger, some of you may have seen this pattern before. If you would prefer a pdf copy of the pattern contact me on the contact form on the blog or it is available for free in my KoFi shop
How to download : Click on the image and then save to your computer or take a screenshot.
A completed exchange
I love making these little pillows as they are a quick stitch but make ideal small gifts.
How I made the pillow.
Place the cross stitch face down on a towel and iron gently. Cut out a piece of iron on interfacing and iron it to the reverse of the cross stitch.
Cut a piece of fabric the same size as your cross stitch piece also with iron on interfacing attached, this gives the fabric some support.
Place right sides together and hand or machine stitch all around leaving a small gap at the bottom to allow you to turn the pillow to the right side.
Poke in the corners with a bamboo stick or scissors being careful not to poke a hole into the corners.
Press with your iron.
Fill with fibre fill or walnut shells and blind stitch the bottom.
I usually press the pillow again to finish.
If you wish to make a little Autumn pillow similar to this one then try this free pattern here.
Until next time, happy stitching!
Freebie Friday - The Little Autumn House Cross Stitch Pattern

Here is another little house pattern, I have decided to make a collection of all four seasons, Winter, Autumn, Spring and Summer.
You can find the first free pattern, Winter, in this previous post here.
To save click on the image and either screen shot or save to your computer or ipad.
If you prefer a pdf please message me in the contact form and I will send you a copy.

Of course I had to create the Fall pattern for my American friends!
I have been doing some Autumn/Fall stitching, this is not quite finished yet. I used a couple of the elements from this free pattern to show how you can easily make something new from one pattern.

I ironed some light weight interfacing to the reverse side of the cross stitch.
Choose some pretty fabric for the reverse side, place right sides together and hand stitch back stitches all around leaving a gap for filling with fibre fill at the sides. I also left a small gap at the top so that I can add a cord to use as a hanging ornament.
I love doing hand sewing on small items like this, I find it relaxing.
In my next post I will show this finished together with a pretty pillow to match.
Hope you love the free pattern, if you make something with this I would love to see it.
Until next time Happy Stitching!
Freebie Friday Cross Stitch Pattern: The Little Winter House
Hi everyone, Freebie Friday has returned, I have finally managed to get organised!
I have also added some patterns below that I previously published and lost when I moved back to blogger, you may have seen these before but you now have 3 to choose from!
Hopefully you can see the pattern, if on ipad just click on the image and it should zoom in, on a computer you should be able to right click and save. If you prefer a pdf pattern then message me on the contact form in the sidebar of the blog, I will be happy to send a copy.
Happy stitching!
EDITED : 15 Nov 2024
The winter pattern at the top of this post is now the first design in a set of four seasons patterns, you can find the Autumn/ Fall pattern on this post here.
Free Snowflake Cross Stitch Pattern
On a laptop or computer - Click on image and save.
ipad - Click on image and screenshot.
If you prefer a pdf please message me using the contact form on my blog and I will email it to you.
Freebie Friday
Until next time Happy Stitching!
Baby It’s Cold Outside Free Cross Stitch Pattern
Red and green pattern
Blue and white pattern
Floss tags on A4 and 8.5 x 11 letter size
I hope they print ok, if you would like a pdf copy please contact me via the contact form on the blog.
Christmas Trees and Parcels Free Cross Stitch Pattern and an update..