Hi everyone, I have now completed Santa's House for the second time, yay!!!!
I am so pleased at the way it is looking on this grey fabric. (more photos below) I have just started to stitch Poinsettia Place which is the next house in this design.
As you can see I have been playing around with the My Memories Software package to create the pictures, I am hoping to do this on all of the Santa's Village Designs so that I can put them on a nice collage in December.
In this post I will be giving some tips and showing you what you can do with the software, in particular I will show a nice Fry Box that has been designed by My Memories and edited into a Valentine Box by me, it is so easy to edit the templates.
Craft room update
I have just received the news that my fitter can start work on my new craft room in March ........yay!!!
I am so excited about this, I have wanted to get the this room sorted for a couple of years now, I can finally get all of my things neatly away. It is basically kitchen units which I think will be perfect for a craft room, I was initially going to do the room in shabby chic furniture, however the room is not very big and I thought I would get more use out of the room using fitted furniture. I have chosen white for the units and a lovely pale grey paint for the walls, there will be glass fronted cupboards with LED lighting inside and lights under the wall mounted units too.
My crafting has been on a go slow of late but once I get my new room fitted I will be crafting like crazy, I have lots of new ideas for giveaways too, it will be such fun!
The one thing I will promise myself is that I am going to finish all of my unfinished stitchng, I never used to have half finished projects, I was basically a one project at a time girl but since I started blogging I have stuff everywhere, it is my New Years resolution to do one thing at once from now on. Mmmmm, lets see how long that lasts!

If you wish to know what I used to edit the photos keep reading below.
My Memories Digital software
My Memories are really good at giving lots of freebies, I am sure you will all know by now I do love a freebie! Initially I did not realize that I could edit these designs myself using the software kits I already had, so I decided because Valentines Day is nearly upon us I would make a Valentine box using the template that was provided free (only free until 25th Feb)on the My Memories Suite blog, all of the designs below are available.
I found a tutorial that explained how to edit the template and after a very short period of time I was designing my own little Valentine box.
This is a screen shot of the box once I uploaded the template.
Here is another, it includes the papers and elements for you to use in another design.
And another...............;
Here is the little Valentine Box I designed using the software, I followed the tutorial for changing the template papers and embellishments and hey presto! I would have printed this and put it together but my printer needs some more ink. It looks very pretty don't you think?
There are so many templates for boxes, calenders, etc that you can get from their site, it is great fun!
If you use this code to purchase
My Memories Digital software you will get $10 off the software and a $10 coupon to spend in the store, just add the code below to the promotion offer box in the add to cart on the My Memories Software page.
Code is:
Until next time, Happy Stitching!