Oooooo I am so excited!!!!!
Yes it is finally happening, we are now getting around to decorating my new craft room in our home in France.
My New Craft Room, Knitting and a Stitch Along
We moved to France three years ago and we have only just started to decorate and organise my new craft room, I am so pleased to be organising my craft space as I have lots of things in boxes which I cannot access which has really impacted on my creativity.
The decoration projects - the Master Bedroom
The house needs quite a lot of up dating, structurally it is fine but the decoration of the house really needed attention. We started with the master bedroom which looked rather sad, it had a horrible carpet which was replaced by a new floor and white fitted wardrobes, my husband painted the walls a lovely shade of grey, the dated colour of the brown doors were painted white and we painted our old pine bedside cabinets white, the old handles were replaced with white porcelain and the room was transformed.
My new craft room
Over the next few months I will be showing progress of where we are upto and you will see the room come to life. The colour of the walls was a nice shade of lemon but I really wanted pink walls so it had to be painted my favourite shade of pastel pink, we removed the horrible cheap skirting boards and architraves to be replaced by something nicer and the door and window are now painted white.
In the photo above you can see my new floor that we laid this week, hubby cut the boards and I laid them down, I have more patience in that department! I have purchased the accessories that I will be using in the room, I fell in love with the rose picture and it just had to come home with me.
We have an IKEA trip planned in April for some of the furniture and little shelves etc, but I am not totally sure of the final design yet.
I have asked the electrician to install LED lighting and put lots of plugs in there as I hate being short of plugs
As a part of the redesign I am going to include a video recording set up, I have ordered some equipment but need to do some research how to actually make some videos for my blog that will show me finishing some of my projects, but you probably won't see me in the videos as I am camera shy, only my hands! Lol....
You can see my craft room that we designed in my house in England, I did not use it for very long before we decided to move to France but I loved every minute I spent in there!
Link to my My Craft Room in my old house.
We have new floors to lay in the other bedrooms and the hallway together with lots of painting inside, thankfully I do enjoy painting so it isn't a problem for me. I already have a gorgeous colour of soft green to paint the shutters of the house outside and I am planning on planting a climbing rose around the front door with roses along the side of the house.
I have no idea if all of these jobs will be completed this summer but I am going to make a real good attempt at getting the jobs done.
I loooove this house, I am so happy living here, it really was the best decision we ever made.
It is a sanctuary of peace and quiet, when I sit on the patio in the summer and all I can hear is birdsong I am totally at peace, my roses in full bloom by my side and a craft project in hand, there is no better place for me. I realised late in life that I am an introvert and I am at my happiest in my home surrounded by my crafts and my roses.
Talking of crafts, I suppose I better show what I have been making! Lol.....
Knitting this week
I started knitting this easy jumper pattern by King Cole and I love it, I only have the neck part to finish and the shoulder band. If this one turns out ok I do plan to knit another one in Duck Egg blue.
I recently downloaded this free pattern from Ellie of the Craft House Magic Podcast, she really is a talented young lady and worth watching her Youtube channel. Ellie does lots of knitting and sewing and has some good tutorial videos for sock knitting.
I have only ever knit one pair of socks but since making that pair I have forgotten how to do it, so this is my second attempt and Ellies tutorials are very easy to follow.
Could not resist this gorgeous yarn from Hedgerow yarns on Etsy, I am not sure what I will use it for but for now it can look good on my shelf!
Stitch Along anyone?
I am planning a stitch along for the Summer Pillow pattern if anyone is interested?
The plan is to start on the 24th March to give everyone a chance to collect their supplies together and then on the 14th April I plan to post finishing instructions if you wish to make my version, when the finishing instructions are posted I will then plan the next pillow.
I will be making another pillow out of the bee fabric below, it will be a smaller version of the one in the photo, anyone participating in the stitch along will be eligible to enter my free giveaway for one person to win the small pillow together with some of my bee charms.
This is the fabric I will use for the small pillow and the bee charms that will be available
for the giveaway.
The giveaway is not open yet until I post the finished pillow.
The charms are also available from my Etsy store here at Stitching Fairy Crafts
Until next time, happy stitching!

Oh my - I am so excited for you and your new craft room! It is going to be gorgeous!!!! I absolutely love your accessories you chose and the flooring choice too :) Thank you so much for sharing with us and I can't wait to see how it turns out too :) Also, love the idea of a SAL and I will definitely look into the sock tutorials too :)
Your craft room colors look beautiful. I did print that pattern I would love to do a SAL
Your new craft room sounds beautiful, can't wait to see more.
I do like the old craft room also. Lots of nice cabinets.
Your ideas for your house sound wonderful.
It will be your peaceful place.
Your knitting is also so pretty.
I am also an introvert, I just like crafting, needlework, crocheting, etc.
I guess because no one I know or even relatives are interested in crafts or needlework.
I like to go places alone also.
Have great week!
How exciting - your new craft rooms is going to be wonderful!! Your knitting is gorgeous - wish I could knit like that. Believe me I have tried to teach myself but always go back to crochet - seems so much easier than knitting. I am an introvert and can totally relate to your feels about being happiest at home!!
How glorious! A new craft room! I'm so happy for you! The stitch along pattern is adorable, Lynn. Another sweet pattern from your talented hands.
Congrats on getting started with you new craft room. I love a project. We just moved and I've set up a space for my two favorites; cross stitching and canning. Cant wait to see your progress!
Your craft room will be wonderful.
I would have loved live in a warm country , but I could not leave my family.
But good for you , to start a new life.
I will be starting my bee one soon so tell me went you are starting your stitch along .
Where did you buy the lovely fabric .
Love the Accessories for the craft room .
Enjoy your week.
Lynn: I am so happy you are getting your craft room done.
Totally love the pillow finish.
I am joining in on your SAL. I am horrible at color it possible that you have a color key for this chart? Or even just color numbers. Seriously, I am horrible at picking floss colors.
Your knitting is awesome. I knit a little, too. Please keep us posted on the sweater and the socks. Ohhh that yarn you bought is beyond yummy.
Love your craft room in England, and I am sure this new one in France is just as lovely.
Looking forward to the SAL. Thank you for having it. ((hugs))
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