Hi everyone, thankyou so much for the lovely comments given to my Mother following her hip and wrist fracture, I passed them on and she cried when she read them, she says to pass on her heartfelt thanks to everyone for their kind words.
Mum is not out of the woods yet, she still continues to pass out frequently but she managed to sit in the chair for 40 minutes and although she passed out again she said she felt a little stronger. The Doctors are reticent on moving her at the moment until the blood test results are back but I will keep you posted on her progress.
If anything this last week as shown me is to take time to smell the roses and that is just what I have done every day! I thought I would show you the progress in my garden, last year I planted these roses and next time I looked they had been eaten by greenfly and white fly! This was my first attempt at growing roses and to be honest I did not know much about them, however, since last year I have been doing a bit of research on how to care for them.
I now have a much better understanding of the subject and although I am no expert I do feel a little more confident, so I thought I would show you this years blooms.
Remember when I said I had wanted window boxes for over thirty years? Well the same applies to home grown cut flowers in the house, I have finally managed to get around to growing my own flowers and putting them in a vase! Lol....
The variety is Queen of Sweden by David Austin Roses
I planted a hedge of these roses at the edge of my front patio, they only grow 3.5 feet tall so they are perfect for a small neat display. 
I also planted this in a pot
Next to this alstromeria plant
Large Poppy in front of my laurel hedge
Hubby loves red geraniums, so I planted these especially!
My window boxes have started to put on some growth!
You can see the first post about my window boxes here
You can see the first post about my window boxes here
Take time to smell the roses, you never know what may happen!
Until next time .......
Happy stitching or gardening!
Your flowers and plants are beautiful - your are so talented in so many areas! I pray that each day finds your mother stronger and healthier.
Ah, those flowers are lovely! Really given me the kick up the backside I needed to sort out my garden.
Sorry to hear about your Mother, I hope she starts to feel better soon.
Take care,
Bex x
Aww, your mother's tender heart has touched me. I am still praying for her.♥
Your flowers are gorgeous!
Your garden is looking beautiful Lynn! Geraniums are amongst my favourites too...they're so bright and cheery and chirpy :) Pleased that your mum is feeling slightly stronger, and I'm glad that the doctors are being careful about their care of her....rather over-care than under...if that makes sense!
Wow stunningly beautiful flowers!! Glad to hear your mum is feeling a little stronger.
Oh, you have so big garden. And it's really beautiful - flowers everywhere. :)
I hope your Mom gets better soon, tell her I am praying that she recovers soon and is back to good health soon. Big hug from Lynda Ruth
So glad to hear your mum is progressing well. Again, please give her my best wishes. Your garden and flowers look so gorgeous! Take care -
Beautiful roses, Lynn. I just love pink and this variety so full and lovely. Your mum will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
Your roses are Beautiful! Congrats on your flower box blooming. We had one and the only time the flowers looked great was when I planted them. Then they wilted.
Hope your mom continues to improve.
My Nannie also had a fractured wrist when she was 94yrs old. Healed in no time. The doctor said she had that bones of a 16yr old. So your mom will mend. In the mean time please tell her shes in my prayers. love Annette
Wspaniałe róże! Życzę szybkiego powrotu do zdrowia dla Twojej mamy.Pozdrawiam.
Lynn: Gods blessings to your Mother and her healing.
Love the beautiful roses, your front garden is so beautiful.
Thank-you for sharing.
Continued healing to Mum & extra prayers for much strength for you both...what a green thumb you have just beautiful! So enjoyed the pictures...
Hope your mother continues to improve.
Good to hear that your Mum is feeling a bit better in herself. Beautiful roses.
Beautiful Rose! Sending more love for you and your Mum XOX
Nice flowers!!!
Thanks for sharing your gardens, especially the roses! As a rose grower myself, I love seeing others enjoying roses too. :)
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